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Jesus of Nazareth directed by Franco Zeffirelli has been extended using alternate outtakes and original scenes seemingly incorporated into the film. The new scenes included are The Shepherds tending their flocks before the birth of Christ, the Wisemen cross Herod's border, Herod's soldiers leave the castle towards Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary arrive in Egypt, Jesus looking towards the Jordan River from afar at John before the baptism, the Temptations in the Desert, turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana, the Samaritan woman at the well, healing the bleeding woman, Jesus healing a blind man entering Jericho, healing a lame man by the Pool of Bethesda, healing a crippled bent woman, Jesus cures a man with a withered hand, Let the Children come unto me, a small montage of Jesus teaching and healing various people, calming of the storm, expelling the demon Legion, Jesus speaking about being the bread of life after feeding the multitude, walking on water, teaching from a a boat, healing of the 10 lepers, the Transfiguration, raising the widow's son, healing the mute deaf boyJesus meeting with Zaccheus the tax collector, Jesus and the Widow's offering, a longer riot scene at the temple when Christ leaves, Jesus walking towards Jerusalem gates at sundown while the disciples go to the upper room before the Last Supper as Romans soldiers are patrolling Jerusalem, Jesus washes the disciples feet, hillside view of Gethsemane with Jesus and the disciple entering it, Peter cutting the man's ear and Jesus healing it during the arrest, Jesus being dragged towards the Sanhedrin by the guards. and later held still  by the Fortress Antonia. Original scenes that have been extended is the Massacre of the Innocents,  Jesus walking through crowds to get to Simon the Pharisee's house,  Jesus walks to visit Mary his mother, render unto Caesar, the agony in Gethsemane, Peter's denial, the flogging at the pillar, the way of the cross, and a Resurrection appearance to the women at the tomb. The 2 scenes cut from most versions which is the scene where Zerah persuades Judas to bring Jesus to the Sanhedrin and the opening section of the Last Supper sequence where Jesus tells Judas to perform his betrayal as well as predicting Peter's denial have also been included.  And lastly the Resurrections appearance in the upper room to Thomas,


February 2020

The Deleted Resurrection appearance to Thomas has been added after years of search.

(Watch Below)


November 2020

Original Temptation footage was sent to me which also contains cut scenes of Jesus from Zeffirelli's footage.   



February 2021

The Soundtrack Of Jesus of Nazareth has been added to listen or download to device



November 2021 WATCH the Entire BIBLE here.

From Creation to Revelation. A list of various Bible productions i have chosen to include in this site including all the TNT Bible Collection, Cecil B DeMile's The Ten Commandments and more. 



APRIL 2023

The extended version went through major scene changes, additions and corrections from DECEMBER 2019 until April 2024. Therefore reviews prior to the dates mentioned will not reflect the current version.  



MAY 2023
PDF Dvd viewing study guide available to 

June 2023

Jesus healing a mute deaf boy has been included,

March 2024

 Jesus healing a crippled bent woman, Jesus speaking abut being the bread of life after feeding the multitude, a longer riot scene at the temple when Christ leaves,
Jesus walking towards Jerusalem gates for the Last Supper and Romans soldiers patrolling Jerusalem on Passover Night has been added.

August 2024

 Jesus healing a blind man entering Jericho and embracing him outside the temple and teaching from a boat in the Sea f Galilee was included as was the famous "Let the children come unto me."

Project Summary

  Bluray transfer files but fixed colour hue      and brightness problems in the Bluray          versions to get a colour correct transfer.


              4 Dvds High Definition  

                        473 minutes                                                                  +

                  3 Extra Features Dvd


           High quality Dvd cover art


                    Extra 3 bonus Dvds


     The Real Jesus of Nazareth BBC 2018              Original Making of Special from 1977

       Interviews with Cast and Director

                  Telly Spots and Trailers

         Jesus of Nazareth Soundtrack


           Now offering it digitally only

  to download or stream to your device

                            (June 2021)


                Featured Review on



(Click to Read)

                       September 2023

Using the software TensorPix Artificial Intelligence, this version has been up-scaled to 2K, Filter Film Cleaner A.I. to remove scratches and spots, Colour restored and corrected, Deinterlacer filtered to remove zig zag lines that appear on fast moving scenes. Decompressor to remove blocky artefacts and A.I. Film grain corrected.

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